
Florence Tomsky Hackerman


906 Timber Run Rd
Reisterstown MD 21136
Cell 410 491-3445
email: Flohack@icloud.com

Long subway rides and lots of homework. That’s what first comes to mind when I think of Hunter.  It took some years later to realize what a “special” school it was and to understand the influence it had on me.  As I think back now, I was most fond of the “senior project”, which gave everyone the opportunity to follow her creative pursuits during the last couple of months before graduating. Mine was photography.  I took photographs all around the city and set up a darkroom in my parents’ basement to develop the film and prints.  Dr. Dale (of the fine arts department) was my advisor. I put together an album which made a statement about social inequities in NY.  Sound familiar?  As I am starting to think about retirement, photography is something I may choose to pursue.

After graduating from Hunter I went to CCNY.  During my freshman year at a family wedding I met a young man from Baltimore (we were both 18), and the rest, as they say, is history. Marriage took me away from NY, to an easier lifestyle (I even had my own car!), and a warm welcoming family of in-laws. I earned a Masters’ degree in psychology and went to work in the Baltimore City Public School system. Eventually I ended up in the Public Mental Health field, after taking some time off to have 2 little boys  (they are now ages 42 and  39). I have been working for the past 30 years at Johns Hopkins Bayview Community Psychiatry in Baltimore, where I started as a clinician, and am now am the manager of the Adult Outpatient Program. It has been rewarding work, even as a lot is changing in healthcare today.

I value the friendships, the Friday night sleepovers at Betty Levin Sternberg’s home, and at Karla Sloves Toledano’s home. I remember my “subway buddy” Linda Heisner who unfortunately passed away a few years ago. I managed to re-connect with Karla after we graduated from college, and we have become dear friends.
 I think growing up in the 1960’s influenced me toward a career that serves to benefit vulnerable people. As retirement is now on my horizon, I am giving a lot of thought to what comes next.  The influence of Hunter is becoming clearer as I am still looking to be involved in something that has a purpose.

Added 2022:I did retire at the end of 2019, just before the start of the pandemic.  What timing!  The “ lockdown” in 2020 gave me time to decompress and transition to retired life without the pressure of getting involved in new activities.  I discovered great walking trails in Maryland, reconnected with old friends, and had more time to enjoy reading books.  Have not travelled as much as anticipated, but hope to do more of that soon.  Since last year I have been volunteering as an exhibit guide at the National Aquarium in Baltimore.  There was much to learn about marine life and the importance of the planet’s oceans.  Conveying information about climate change without “lecturing” the visiting public is crucial to getting the message across.   It has been great fun to work with a group of volunteers who have all retired from different careers.

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