Jane Taylor Jane Taylor

email: jane_taylor_md@yahoo.com

Hasn't time flown?  I am a Dermatologist in practice since 1983.  As my patients have grown older with me, my practice has evolved from rashes and birthmarks to skin cancers and my patients' cosmetic needs.  I now specialize in restoring facial proportions with filler injections as well as minimizing wrinkles with Botox.  In addition to peels and lasers,   I do a new procedure called microneedling to rejuvenate the skin's surface.  I am fortunate to be located in the Central Park South- 57th Street area which means I draw patients from midtown offices, theater, opera, ballet and museums. Consequently, my patient population is an interesting lot.  I am proud of my new website bespokefacialaesthetics.com.

I graduated from New York University.  Life sometimes offers random opportunities.  Elise Delphin, while at Barnard, had a summer job with a dermatologist who lived in her parent's apartment building. Another physician, in the elevator at NYU Medical Center, asked whether he knew of anyone for a summer secretarial position.

Elise suggested me, which started my career arc.  I worked with  him for four years and scheduled my college courses around my job.  He was at the forefront of the AIDS epidemic , and published the first atlas of photographs of the skin manifestations of HIV infection.  As I was nearing college graduation I hoped to continue working for him.  He quickly disabused me of that notion and told me i was 'too smart."  We discussed my future life.  He thought dentistry would provide me with a good living and good hours.  I was launched.

I graduated with a D.D.S. from the Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery in June 1977.   Another random opportunity came my way and I matriculated as a third year medical student at the Chicago Medical School.  Having not studied physical diagnosis at Columbia,  the Dean in Chicago arranged a special summer course to prepare me for hospital rotations starting in September.  I graduated two years later with an M.D. and married my physical diagnosis professor.  We still live in the same Chelsea loft where we raised our two children.  I also managed my parents' care; my mother lived with Alzheimer's for  nineteen years, and my father for six years following a devastating stroke.  My career has anchored me through life .  I am grateful for the opportunities I've had and the intellectual foundation I received at Hunter College High School.

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