Susan SiegelSiegelSusan Susan Siegel

1048 Fernside Street
Redwood City, CA 94061
415 602-1120

After graduating with a B.A in Psychology from CCNY in 1971, my (former) husband and I bought a ’64 VW bus and drove to San Francisco, renting a flat on Haight Street. Never really expecting that I would become a permanent Californian, I am still happily ensconced in the San Francisco bay area, with my wonderful second husband of 15 years.

After a long career in corporate communications—PR, marketing and executive communications--that kept me busy with the rise of so many high tech companies in Silicon Valley--I retired in 2016, and stepped up my volunteer activities at a local homeless shelter as well as at the Anderson Collection, a Stanford University contemporary art museum.

In addition to volunteering, we’ve both had a great time traveling over the past several years—Cuba, Ireland, Italy, France—as well as visiting family and friends around the U.S.

Hoping to continue this pace for a long time, I live by the immortal words of Fleetwood Mac: “…don’t stop thinking about tomorrow.”

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