Okun_Sara_Soll Sara Okun Soll

email: sarabfs@yahoo.com

Not sure how it is 50 years since graduation, but in looking at all that has happened it shouldn't be a surprise. I headed off to CCNY that September at the ripe old age of 16. So much going on in 1967-1968, but most notable was meeting Tony on South Campus lawn in the midst of demonstrations and strikes. We were living together a year later when I moved to Brooklyn, married in November 1969, and are still together. Went to Bank Street College of Education, starting in the mid 70's, and finished my degree in the mid 90's - time off for children, work......
Our children - Jesse born in March 1977 and Becky born in April 1981. (Hard to fathom that my children are now 40 and 36 years old) Jesse lives in Ventura, California, married to the wonderful Angelina. Becky is back in Brooklyn and getting married to Charles in October. They first met when they were both 6 years old in 1st grade!
This is the end of my 40th year in Early Childhood education. I taught 34 of those years and have also been an administrator for more than 25. I am now the Director of the Family Center at Brooklyn Friends. Still love what I do and not quite ready to retire.
Although my three years at Hunter are remembered with a range of feelings, I am looking forward to seeing everyone.


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