Miller_Nancy Nancy Miller


What have I been doing the last fifteen years?  Wait – what?!  It’s FIFTY!!??  As we say in NYC, ged oudda heah!
OK – went to Penn and graduated in 1971 with a BA in Linguistics.
Already had the travel bug from the trip my mother and I made to Moscow in 1966, and continued/am continuing to this day (a few years ago, I won a round the world airline ticket in FIRST CLASS – that was cool!)  It’s usually boring to read someone else’s list of trips, but I’d love talking about travel with any other interested parties (latest great trip was to India, Bhutan, Singapore and Malaysia last year).

In the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s I




as well as


I moved to San Francisco in 1979 and am still loving it.
Work was never that interesting (although necessary), and I was thrilled to stop altogether several years ago.  My volunteer jobs keep me happy and busy – info desk at SFO airport, info desk and museum store at the Asian Art Museum, tax preparer for AARP’s TaxAide program, and Medicare counselor.
I’m still (serious now) grateful for the incredible education I got at HCHS (Mr. Kizner!) and the wonderful friendships with my strange smart Hunter GF’s.


What have I been doing the last fifteen years? Wait – what?! It’s FIFTY!!?? As we say in NYC, ged oudda heah! and now it's FIFTY FIVE?!

The main news since our fabulous 50th reunion is that for some reason i didn't do much travelling recently

Still doing volunteer work at SFO, Asian Art Museum, Medicare counselling and taxes for AARP Tax-Aide

I wish i could see all my Hunter buddies in person - maybe for #60?


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