The most important event in my life in the past 50 years was and still is my marriage to my husband David, a Professor of Criminal Justice who was born and raised in London, England. We lived in London for two years, one right after we married and another in 1992, and we have been visiting England at least once a year for the past 46 years. We have lived in Albany and Buffalo, spent about 20 years in Charlotte, North Carolina, and currently live in Carlisle, MA, a rural community near Concord. I majored in Spanish and minored in French at SUNY at Albany, and graduated Magna cum Laude with Honors in Spanish. After our first year in England we returned to Albany and I got my Masters. When my sons were young I went back to school and became a Certified Public Accountant, earning an Elijah Watt Sells award on the CPA exam. My field has always been taxation, which was described as “learning the rules, learning the exceptions to the rules, and learning the exceptions to the exceptions.” Doesn’t that sound like French grammar? After working for a couple of firms, I opened a practice in my home. I have essentially retired now so I am no longer a slave to April 15th. I am very grateful for the education I received, and the friends I met, at Hunter. If you are in the Boston area and would like to be in touch, please contact me at 978-318-0019 or by email at fran.hirschel.cpa@comcast.net. Update 2022 My life has changed in the last 5 years since I summed up my life for our 50th HCHS reunion. My resistance to cold weather prompted our move to Highland Beach, Florida, which is on the east coast of Florida between Delray Beach and Boca Raton. We sold our large home in Carlisle, Massachusetts and downsized into a condo that is smaller by at least half. It has the advantage of being on the ocean, and sometimes we can see amazing sunrises as well as occasional glorious rainbows. Then we bought a flat in London, where my husband’s family resides, and where we’ve been spending a lot of time since we retired. Said husband is a fanatic football (soccer) fan, his team being Brighton Hove Albion (which just defeated Manchester United 4-0). That was a miracle, and we were at the match! Football season is from August through May, so he is most interested in being in London during that time. We have come in August and managed to avoid part of hurricane season, but we are usually in Florida during the hottest months! And we’re in London for part of the winter, where it tends to get quite cold, both outside and indoors! So much for escaping the cold weather. |
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