Fornier_Duuis_Danielle Danièle Fournier Dupuis

Téléphone France:01 43 44 10 08 International: +33 1 43 44 10 08

Portable France : 06 28 22 04 95 International : +33 6 28 22 04 95

Telephone Ireland : 087 742 5185 or 087 916 9375
International Ireland : +353 87 742 5185 or  +353 87 916 9375

As I wrote before I won't be able to come to reunion. I'm dividing my time between Paris and Dublin, so if anyone is visiting either of these two places when I'm there I'd be happy to meet up for a cup of coffee or tea. I can't attempt to summarize fifty years so will leave that for if and when I meet up with any of you. 
You have my email and all my phone numbers in this email which you can share .
All the best,

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