Danziger_Maia Maia Danziger

email: maiadanziger@mac.com

The Down and Dirty on Danziger’s 50 years:

Ok—here goes.  I left Hunter for NYU School of the Arts (theatre division) where my most memorable accomplishment was 12 credits of circus technique (which years later paid off in a Dupont Stainmaster commercial where I juggled plates.)

I started working in theatre, film and TV and pretty much had an unbroken 35 -year stretch, winning an Emmy Award along the way.  Never famous (obviously),  but never out of work (yay!).  I founded (and for seven years was co-Artistic Director of) The Actors Company Theatre (now in its 24th season.) Somewhere along the way I began to write, finally going for a Master’s in Creative Writing at NYU.  While all that was going on, I was also pursuing a very serious meditation practice with my Tibetan teachers. I gradually found myself putting all the pieces together in a meditative writing process (using acting technique) called Relax & Write (www.relaxandwrite.com).  It started as a hobby and has taken over my life in the last 10 years.  I teach ongoing classes to students all over the world, and lead retreats in fabulous places (including Linda McCurry Nederkoorn’s amazing property in Bali.)

I raised two amazing kids, who have now given me four amazing grandchildren.

I have recently fallen madly in love with someone I have known since I was seven, and we are getting married in October. 

I think life is an incredible story and I can’t wait for the next few chapters!

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