A Recent


Human Performance, including: Perception, , attention, memory, and complex skills like reading.
NSERC Equipment 1996-1997  $25,000  (w/McMullen, eye tracker)
NSERC Operating 1997-2001 $140,000 
NSERC Operating 2001-2005 $200,000 

Applied cognitive psychology: Design of advanced consumer telecommunications devices; reading remediation; effects of drugs & biological rhythms on performance; impulsivity and problem gambling.
NSERC/Nortel 1996-1997 $10,000  (NSERC Industrial PGS to J. Christie)
NS Dept of Health 1997-1999 $89,000+ (J. Blackburn, PI)

Cognitive neuroscience exploration of the selection of objects by the primate oculomotor system.
NSERC Collaborative 
1995-1998 $330,000  (PI w/Munoz, McMullen & Trappenberg)
McDonnell-Pew 1998-2000 $210,000  (PI w/Munoz & Sweeney)


  • Klein, R.M. (2004). On the control of visual orienting. In M.I. Posner (Ed). Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention. New York, Guilford Press. pp. 27-47.
  • Little, D.M., Klein, R.M., Shobat, D.M., McClure, E. & Thulborn, K.R. (2004). Biological changes during category learning observed by functional MRI. Cognitive Brain Research, 22, 84-93 .
  • Klein, R.M., Gadbois, S. & Christie, J.J. (2004). Perception and detection of counterfeit currency in Canada: Note quality, trainng and security features. Proc. SPIE, V. 5310, Rudolf L. van Renesse; (Ed), Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques V. 1-12.
  • Spence, C., Shore, D.I., & Klein, R.M. (2001). Multimodal prior entry. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 130, 779-798.
  • Klein, R.M., & MacInnes,W.J. (1999) Inhibition of return is a foraging facilitator in visual search. Psychological Science, 10, 346-352. abstract
  • Klein, R. M., Taylor, T., Dorris, M. C., & Munoz, D. (2001). IOR in monkey and man. In C. Folk and B. Gibson (eds.) Attraction, distraction and Action: Multiple Perspectives on Attention Capture. Amsterdam, Elsevier. pp. 27-47.
  • Murphy, F. & Klein, R. M. (1998). The effects of nicotine on spatial and non-spatial expectancies in a covert orienting task. Neuropsychologia, 36, 1103-1114.
  • Taylor, T. L. & Klein. R. M. (1998) On the causes and effects of inhibition of return. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 5 , 625-643.
  • Taylor, T. L., Klein, R. M., & Munoz, D. P. (1999) Saccadic performance as a function of the presence and disappearance of auditory and visual fixation stimuli. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 11, 206-213.
  • Christie, J. & Klein, R. (1998) The relative merits of using simple path and gateway metaphors in Graphic User Interface design. Nortel Technologies Technical Report.
  • Klein, R. M., Schmidt, W. C. & Muller, H. K. (1998) Disinhibition of return: Unnecessary and unlikely, Perception & Psychophysics, 60, 862-872.
  • McCormick, P. A., Klein, R. M. & Johnston, S. (1998) Splitting vs shared visual attention: An empirical commentary on Castiello & Umilta (1992). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 24, 350-357.
  • Shore, D. I., Hall, S. E. & Klein, R. M. (1998) Auditory saltation: A new measure of an old illusion. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103, 3730-3733.
  • Schmidt, W. C. & Klein, R. M. (1997) A spatial gradient of acceleration and temporal extension underlies three illusions of motion. Perception, 26, 857-874.
  • Trappenberg, T., Simpson, S., Klein, R.M., McMullen, P., Munoz, D. & Dorris, M.C. (1997) Neural field model of oculomotor preparation and disengagement. Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'97), 1, 591-595.